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Alimentos que te aumentan la Grasa Corporal

July 8 2016 , Written by Hyman Published on #Bajar de peso

Mucha gente cuando hay una celebración y estamos habituados a festejar las fiestas con rebosante comida y que mejor forma que las compañías que se aprovechan para decirnos que debemos festejarlo con chocolates, con dulces con postres, que rico, mas permíteme...

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Errores que no permiten quemar grasa del cuerpo

July 4 2016 , Written by Hyman Published on #Bajar de Peso

Si te sientes frustrada, por el hecho de que no pierdes ni medio kilogramo y si haces ejercicio todos y cada uno de los días, comes saludable y la balanza se ha transformado en tu peor contrincante, en tanto que no baja, todo eso produce agobio. Por este...

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CD review SERENITY "Codex Atlanticus"

February 10 2016 , Written by Markus W. Published on #Serenity, #Symphonic Metal, #News, #CD Review, #Power Metal, #Heavy Metal

(7/10) What to say about the new album. Actually there is quite some to tell. The first things is, that Georg Neuhauser is again fully in charge of the vocals since Clementine Delauney left in 2015. This is a major change and I think, it helps the sound...

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CD review THRONE OF HERESY "Antioch"

February 10 2016 , Written by Markus W. Published on #Throne Of Heresy, #Death Metal, #Black Metal, #Thrash Metal, #News, #Heavy Metal, #CD Review

(8/10) Sweden delivers quite some melodic metal bands but also real death metal has a solid homebase in 'elk-country'. Gothenburg and Stockholm are cities that are the headquater for quite some bands, but there is even more. Linköping is the hometown...

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